With an unwavering passion for local news, Christopher leads our editorial team with integrity and dedication. With over 20 years’ experience, he is the backbone of Wouldsayso, ensuring that we stay true to our mission to inform.
What Gives a Chick the Strength to Break Free from Its Shell?
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Mice Pose a Threat to Wildlife on British Island, Raising Alarm Among Scientists
It took years to put an end to the proliferation of mice in the Isles of Scilly. Representing a danger to wildlife, particularly birds, ...
Vaping and Youth: The Latest on the Ban of Disposable E-Cigarettes Known as “Puff”
The “puff” (English word meaning “puff”) is a disposable e-cigarette, operating with a battery (lithium battery), pre-charged and pre-filled. It is therefore a very ...
Severe Pollution Forces School Closures in Pakistani City: What’s Behind This Crisis?
This is a sad record achieved by the city of Lahore, in Pakistan, where 14 million souls live. Indeed, due to extreme atmospheric pollution ...