Two Endangered Whale Species Entangled in Fishing Line Off Massachusetts Coast: Urgent Situation

According to the statements, at least one of them could succumb to injuries from her entanglement. This is the younger of the two whales.

Entanglements, an obstacle to the proper development of the whale population rate

The second entangled whale is an adult whale. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and biologists, it is also injured by fishing gear. This news follows recent data published two months ago by researchers, who point to a slight increase in the cetacean population (4% since 2020). Good news although they are still threatened with extinction.

North Atlantic right whales continue to be entangled at levels that could push this critically endangered species to extinction”, explained Amy Knowlton, senior scientist at the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, as reported by ABCnews.

Deaths and decline in health

According to him, entanglements cause absolutely devastating damage to the right whale population like “deaths, declining health and slowing reproductive rates”. According to Gib Brogan, campaign director at Oceana, this umpteenth case of entanglement clearly illustrates the urgency of proposing new measures to protect marine animals.

In addition to causing serious injury, a whale entangled in fishing line can end up missing a limb and therefore have difficulty swimming. They can survive for years entangled, before their wound becomes infected and they can no longer eat properly.

A dangerous operation

On June 21, the Sea World Foundation announced on its social networks that it had succeeded in saving a whale heavily entangled in buoy ropes, first reported on June 13. At the end of its press release, the NGO recalled that this type of rescue operation could prove extremely dangerous.

Indeed, as the whales live site states, a whale which is not aware of the presence of humans or on the contrary, which is too accustomed to it can carry out dangerous maneuvers, such as flicking its tail or pectoral fins.

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