Stunning Underwater Chase: Incredible Photographs of an Orca Hunting off the California Coast

[Article déjà publié le 2 août 2024]

A seal in danger

A video captured by Carlos Gauna, a professional Californian photographer and drone pilot, shows an exceptional moment during which an orca hunts a seal. It is well known that the cetacean likes to hunt toothed sharks or even seals which fear being in their path.

The photographer's drone allows you to get an idea of ​​to what extent the orca is a super predator compared to other animals. We see using echolocation or the emission of sounds in order to locate oneself in space before capturing the seal which was fleeing into the sea depths.

Killer whale feeding

Hunting is at the heart of orcas' daily lives. In fact, they need 40 to 80 kg of prey per day but not all of them feed in the same way. Indeed, it depends on the corner of the globe in which they are located. Marine mammals, salmon, herring…diet varies considerably from one orca to another.

Their hunting techniques are very sophisticated because they are able to communicate with each other using acoustic communication, which allows them to hunt prey together. They are therefore able to make “clicks”, whistles but also pulsed cries.

Orcas and man

The black and white animal was long considered cruel even though it is very rare for it to attack humans. It is even the latter which are the most harmful for it because they are responsible for their scarcity.

Indeed, these impressive animals are sensitive to noise, pollution and especially overfishing which prevents them from feeding. Although orca fishing is illegal, it is still perpetuated, which causes their population to decline.

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