Shedding Light on a Game-Changing Quantum Innovation

The quantum computer: power beyond binary

To understand the importance of this advance, we must first delve into the concept of quantum computing, often perceived as complex.

Today, classical computers work by manipulating bits, units of information that can only represent two states: 1 or 0. Imagine a switch that is either on or off. Quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in several states at once thanks to a fascinating property called overlay. Imagine a switch that is simultaneously turned on and off. This capability makes it possible to process multiple solutions to a problem at the same time, increasing computing power tenfold.

However, building these machines remains a monumental challenge. Current systems are indeed complex, require extreme environments such as temperatures close to absolute zero, and are incredibly expensive. This is where the breakthrough of South African researchers comes in: using laser beams and simple equipment, they managed to develop an accessible alternative.

A simple but revolutionary invention< /strong>

The Structured Light Lab team has made a major breakthrough by proving that light can be used to perform quantum calculations. What makes this discovery particularly fascinating is the simplicity of the tools used. Rather than relying on expensive and complex infrastructure, they employed laser beams, lenses and digital displays similar to those found in common projectors.

Their method relies. ..Read more on Science and Life

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