Is Masturbation Beneficial or Harmful to Your Health?

Masturbation is the sexual practice that has experienced the biggest boom in recent years! Among French women, it has increased from 42% to 73% in thirty years /strong> (source: Inserm). We can reasonably assume that this increase is partly linked to a reporting bias: women confess this more easily. little pleasure today, as the practice becomes more widespread, with a boost from marketing around female sex toys But let's start from the postulate thata vast majority of French men and women masturbate – and perhaps. even more than beforeDoes this have an impact on their health? What is the risk of masturbating regularly (apart from being caught)? from “Eloge de la Masturbation” (editions La Musardine).

Hide this sperm from me that I can't see!

The word “masturbation” arrived late in the vocabulary (later than the practice, in any case ). It was first read by Montaigne in 1576 who saw in Diogenes' masturbatory exhibition a form of expression of individual freedom. At the time, we did not think about health because it was lacking. still a big one founding innovation in the demonization of masturbation.

Because it was not until the invention of the microscope that masturbation became a crime against nature. In the 17th century, this! technological revolutioninitially used to examine the quality of tissues, allowed the discovery of the spermatozoon A questioning of reproduction then takes place, questioning in its wake the role of. ..Read more on Science and Life

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