Compact symmetric objects: a simplified introduction
Active galactic nuclei (also called AGN) are galaxies with an extremely luminous core powered by a supermassive black hole. In these objects, rotating gas and dust are sucked into the black hole, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the form of jets. These jets can emit in frequency ranges from radio waves to gamma rays.
Compact Symmetric Objects (CSO) are essentially young active nuclei. of galaxies which are characterized by their small size, less than 3,300 light years These objects have a radio symmetrical morphology and are considered to be in the early stages of their evolution. Their kinematic age is generally less than a few thousand. of years, which makes them valuable clues for understanding the youth of galaxies. However, CSOs remain rare and little studied, and only four of them are known to emit gamma rays.
What is DA 362?< /h2>
DA 362, also known as B2 1413+34, was initially classified as a blazar candidate of uncertain type. It is associated with a gamma ray source designated 4FGL J1416.0+3443. Using data collected by the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray space telescope and NASA's Swift satellite, researchers were able to confirm that DA 362 was a true CSO and discovered its unique properties.
L The object presents a small-scale bipolar radio emission, with jets whose separation speed is subluminal, that is to say lower than that of light. This confirms…Read more on Science and life< meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow" />
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