How do we measure the expansion of the Universe?
To solve the riddle of cosmic expansion, it is essential to understand the tools used by astronomers to determine the Hubble constant (H₀), which describes the rate of expansion of the Universe. Two main methods are employed, each providing different perspectives on cosmic history.
The second method is based on local observations. It measures the redshift of galaxies, a phenomenon where light emitted by distant objects becomes redder due to the expansion of the Universe. By plotting this shift against the distances of galaxies or supernovae, astronomers construct a Hubble diagram, which provides a direct estimate of H₀.
The problem lies in the divergence between these two approaches: measurements local data give a value of H₀ approximately 8% higher than that deduced from the CMB. This difference, well beyond the margins of error, poses a serious challenge to our…Read more on Science and Life
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